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The BALLS on LINDA VISTA Real Estate Services **UPDATE**

Elderly Victim has made several attempts to reach out to LINDA VISTA Real Estate Services regarding the fraud surrounding her mortgage that was carried by one of their employees, Lillian Harrison, and her "team." She has yet to received a response. Until last night...

A 'Thumb's Up' to Mortgage Fraud!

They couldn't express one ounce of human decency by at least addressing Elderly Victim's concerns, claims, nor questions but they can give a 'THUMB'S UP' or 'LIKE' to a post related to their direct involvement with mortgage fraud on a FEDERAL LOAN on FACEBOOK. SHAME.

LINDA VISTA Real Estate Services - Disgusting. Classless. Guilty.


Within mintues of posting the link to this blog post on facebook, "ASKFORJOSE" IMMEDIATELY blocked the facebook page in both his personal and the Linda Vista Real Estate Services facebook accounts.

AGAIN, Jose Quinones, owner and broker of LINDA VISTA REAL ESTATE SERVICES in Rehoboth, Delaware, decided to be sneaky sneaky rather than address the mortgage fraud that will not go away. That will not shut up. That will not stop until TRUE justice prevails and not some bs liar working within the Delaware Department of Justice that had a DIRECT conflict of interest (both are directors within DCRAC) with Lillian Harrison well before Elderly Victim first reached out to her JUNE 07, 2022 yet never relayed a word other than she wasn't going to help Elderly Victim. Can't leave out Diane Brown within the Delaware Department of Justice - Ms. Spellman's "right hand" who was emailing Elderly Victim as "ADMINISTRATOR II" when in fact she's an intern.

Brave enough to steal from an elderly woman and make her part of their schemes yet cowardly as hell once they realized she had back up.

2023/02/04, 15:41PM.


Minutes after the incident was remarked about on facebook, JOSE QUINONES swiftly jumped into action and immediately contacted the Elderly Victim. NAH. Of course he didn't do the right thing, rather, JOSE'S initial response to all of this was to remove the "Lillian Harrison Sells Herself" facebook page.

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