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A Property Set Up For Failure & FIRE

Updated: Oct 13, 2024

On November 27th, 2023, more than half the electrical outlets, light fixtures, and fans stopped working after plugging in a small Holmes heater which also stopped working. Attempts were made at "hitting" the 2 "trip" switches within the electrical panel to not no avail. One solid attempt was made at flipping the main switch which again did nothing.

On November 29th, 2023, professionals from Expert Wire performed an extensive, hours long, evaluation that resulted in a $16,558.91 estimate to fix all the issues listed within their detailed report. As shown below, the sellers of the property were WELL aware of its actual condition since ALL the electrical outlets in the house are "BACKSTABBED" according to Expert Wire's summary.

JOHN DITOMASSO & KEVIN CRAIG , the owners of WAVECREST LLC, KC HOMEIMPROVEMENT, COASTAL BEACH SERVICES, 200 FRONT LLC, and a deluge of other LLCs, were also the sellers/swindlers of the property purchased by my elderly mother. They intentionally sold my 74-year old mother a house they KNEW could catch and still might, catch on fire.

JOHN DITOMASSO & KEVIN CRAIG also received several mortgages (liens) against the property they fraudulently sold to my mother with one lien yet to be completely satisfied through WSFS Bank. Additionally and more disturbingly, both men enjoyed receiving tax incentives thanks to falsifying the renovations listed within the document. They DID NOT update/upgrade the electric as evidenced by the EXPERT WIRE PROFESSIONAL. The City of Milford, Delaware gives out tax breaks to the criminals while their elderly & vulnerable residents are given "http" links to find a "free lawyer."


The tax incentive document between wavecrest and the city of milford showing a list of things in the house they DID NOT FIX.
The TAX INCENTIVES given by the City of Milford to TWO FRAUDSTERS who deserve JAIL TIME rather than pats on the back.

Speaks for Itself

Another google earth screenshot showing just how much john ditomasso and kevin craig are apathetic liars.
2010 Google Screenshot Shows The Addition that John Ditomasso & Kevin Craig added to receive TAX INCENTIVES was built BEFORE their 2017 purchase.

Speaks for Itself Again

2015 Google Earth screenshot displaying the addition on the property prior to WAVECREST adding it to their renovation tax abatement.
WAVECREST DID NOT Add The "Addition", the Stalvey Family did.

Real Estate Agent, Lillian Harrison, Also LIED

Screenshots and details regarding the lies Lillian Harrison, the real estate agent, gave to my elderly mother.
Lillian Harrison Real Estate FRAUD

The Truth

A summary and estimate by Expert Wire for the faulty wiring throughout the entirety of the property.
Profession Opinion from Expert Wire

Out of the banquet of LLCs owned between both Kevin Craig & John Ditomasso, KC HOME IMPROVEMENT is a business wherein they "specialize" in "home remodeling/home renovation" which makes the FACT ALL the electrical outlets in the property were "BACKSTABBED" causing several outlets to melt.

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